The honey bee is our best friend
and we do not want to see it end
they travel so far and wide
to keep our veggies and flowers alive
they teach how to work as a team
they ask for nothing in return
but we owe them our love and care
let us give to them our support
and guard the environment for them well
so they can continue their work so well
by Gresilda McDermott
Of all the wonders that I see,
nothing can beat the honey bee.
with wings too small and body too big,
when it lands it can bend my twig.
From flower to flower it darts and swerves,
gathering pollen to stock up its preserves.
Honey it makes without energy to conserve,
its sweetness is too good for my toast to deserve.
The honeycomb is a marvel to see,
its perfection so exact you just want to let it be.
Once stung the bee ends its life,
so stay out of its way and cause it no strife.
by Lauraine Andren
We bow down to you,
Busy, pretty bee -
if you died out,
So soon would we.
by Paul Rance
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