Patricia Baldwin Seggebruch
I believe in the freedom of
experimentation: In the beauty
of experimentation.
In 2007 I found myself with a
need to get a ‘real job’. Sitting
across from a recruiter, being
asked ‘what do you do’ for the
first time in over 20 years I spilled
out all that came to mind; ‘I am
Light and Wax, 2012, 10”X10” each encaustic
on distress papers, textile, transfers.
an artist’. To my delight, and I
admit horror, the Home Depot
hiring manager for the brand new
store being built said she had
the perfect job for me. Imagine:
Artist+Home Depot. Yeah, took
me awhile to digest as well…
And so you’d find me, 4am M-F
walking the dimly lit pre-customer
aisles taking stock of missing
signs, new prices and opportunities
for attention as the fulltime,
with benefits, sign artist for
Home Depot Snohomish station.
Yeah. I was on fire. The beauty of
it is that they allowed for my life
to work into the job; I was able
to manage the three boys still
at home, on the phone at 6:40
every morning ‘walking’ Patrick