Encaustic Arts Magazine Spring 2024 | Page 12

I have never sold a straight photographic print or taken money for a photo shoot . I do not sell multiple prints of the same image . Each of my works is unique . When photographers make a print , that is the end of their process . For me it is just the beginning . A starting point to work from , whether I manipulate it digitally to the point of abstraction , collage with it or augment the color using encaustic paint and mixed media to bring out the mystery .
From an artistic perspective , I have always considered photography the best tool in the toolbox for representational work . I decided early on that while I could hone my skills at drawing what I saw , I was more interested in creating / assembling images which create a mood or sense of something familiar yet just out of reach . I like using my photographs to that end . I do not like to explain my work . I seek to create pieces which raise questions , poke fun and spawn contemplation . I prefer to work small as I feel that draws the viewer in closer and makes a more personal connection . At its best , I hope my work tells a story which is not always known to me and allows new interpretations with each new viewer . Or sometimes it just is what it is ….