Encaustic Arts Magazine Spring 2024 | Page 10

When is a photographer not a photographer ?

When is a photographer not a photographer ?

I have been taking photos since I was in preschool . Some better than others …. And like most photographers I would rather be behind the lens than in front of it . When I am behind the camera , I have always paid attention to graphic composition , texture and pattern , although it has taken a while for me to put it in those terms . I am not a photographic equipment geek , my cameras have worked well for my needs , but were not exquisite instruments . I generally work with existing light . I have thousands of photos going back decades that I had no idea what to do with … until now . My photo based encaustic work has given them a new life .
I went to the University of Michigan in the 1970 ’ s and transferred to the Art School after a few semesters . There I took a variety of photo classes , but my favorite was an antique processing class from Phil Davis where I learned to make gum prints and cyanotypes . I liked how the images were altered by the process . I ended up with a BA in Art History and a BFA in photography because it was where I had the most credits in art school when it came time to graduate . I preferred drawing , painting and collage to time in the darkroom . When photography went digital , I welcomed it with open arms .
When I show at photographic galleries , I am often asked why my business card says “ Artist ” and not “ Photographer .” Despite my formal training , I have never defined myself as a photographer . I simply use photographs as a jumping off point . I am less concerned with lighting , focus , equipment or F-stops than I am in the resulting image , no matter how it got there . In much the same way , when I travel , my lovely wife hangs on every word of the tour guide and takes notes on the historical significance of what we are seeing , while I am primarily focused on the visuals . The rest is just backstory ….
Title page image : JOHN ANGELL , Brain Waves - Joy , photo encaustic , mixed media on cradled birch panel , 12 x 12 x 1 inches , 2023