Encaustic Arts Magazine Spring 2015 | Page 7

For the Spring 2015 issue of the magazine , we asked our featured artists to share something about their working process or a particular technique they use in creating their work . Each had a slightly different take on that theme — that variety provides some valuable food for thought . The artists in this issue provide some interesting insights : from technical challenges related directly to the material used , an examination of aspects of artistic motivation and the creative process , to ways to sharpen a critical eye of one ’ s work .


One thing that stood out to me as I was reading the articles in this issue ( possibly the thing I myself needed to read ) was the most consistent underlying theme — persistence . No matter what your individual process or what you need to do to get ( and keep ) yourself in the studio , the essential thing is that you are there .
As Douglas mentions , increasingly encaustic / wax artists are using innovative combinations of techniques , pushing the boundaries of this ancient medium . The choice of encaustic / wax as a vehicle for artistic expression has a very long history indeed . By examining even this small sample of current artists using encaustic / wax , we see how elastic the material is . We see how it can be shaped and combined to suit the requirements of expression rather than necessity . Of more pertinence , though , is that this same quality of versatility demonstrates that rather than being a quaint revival of an antique material , encaustic / wax is a living , breathing medium , adaptive and adaptable to serve working artists of this new century .
Kari Gorden Editor Encaustic Arts Magazine editor . encausticartsmagazine @ gmail . com