Encaustic Arts Magazine Spring 2014 | Page 37

PHOTO EDITORS Here are some free and premium (for pay) photo editor program and app options for a PC or Apple computer or smart device (smartphones, notebook computers and ipads): Free – Computer – Picasa, iPhoto, Gimp, Windows Live Photo Gallery Premium – Computer – Adobe Elements or Photoshop Free – Smart Device – Photo Editor, Pixir-o-matic, PicFrame Premium – Smart Device – PicSayPro, Camera +, Photoshop Express I personally use the following photo editor programs: on a Windows computer – Picasa & Windows Live Photo Gallery, and on a Samsung Gallaxy smartphone – Photo Editor & PicFrame. VISUAL EXCITEMENT Make the content of pictures more exciting, besides straight-on photos of artwork, by taking shots of work in progress and finished works from interesting angles and perspectives. Also, when entertaining a studio guest or making a gallery or museum visit, take photos with the guest or pictures of artwork in the location that most interests YOU. What may seem boring, repetitious or overly self-indulgent to us may be first-time fascinating to someone finding us online. Folks think of Artists as alluring creatures and very much welcome a glimpse into our activities and thoughts, which have educational and entertainment value for our viewers and collectors. Workshop in process with scrumptious wax paint colors.