workshops progressed, they
began to attract oil, acrylic, and
water color painters, printmakers,
papermakers, book artists,
photographers, ceramicists,
sculptors, metal workers, and
jewelers, all of whom confirmed
the fact that encaustic is the
ultimate mixed media medium.
These people brought with them
a tremendous variety of techniques,
which were absorbed
into our teaching repertoire.
The R&F workshops, along
with our online forum, became
a clearinghouse for a large
body of technical and material
information. This accumulated
knowledge was augmented by
the collaborative printmaking,
papermaking and photography
workshops that we set up with
Women’s Studio Workshop and
the Center for Photography at
Woodstock. We also brought in
guest artists to teach specialized
techniques – Paula Roland
and David Clark on monotype
and printmaking, Lisa Pressman
and Lorraine Glessner on
mixed media, Cat Crotchett
on encaustic
batik methods,
R u s s e l l
Thurston on
breaking the
rules, Cari
Hernandez on
technique, Rick
Purdy on inlay,
The popularity of
the workshops
s p u r r e d
r e q u e s t s
for regional
w o r k s h o p s ,
which we set
up in Seattle, San Francisco,
Los Angeles, San Antonio area,
Chicago, Atlanta, and New York
City. While we continue to hold
our comprehensive workshops,
we have also devised specialized
workshops focusing on
ground-breaking techniques.
Artist Working.
R & F gallery.
For additional information please visit:
In the meantime our gallery
activities have been providing
artists from all over the country
and Canada with bi-monthly
showcases for their work. [10]
In 1997 we held our first biennial
international juried encaustic
exhibit. The 2011 biennial, juried
by Joanne Mattera, is a soon-tobe-published
exhibition in print,
featuring 50 artists and including
full size images, artist portfolios,
and essays.
New products and partnerships
with other companies have
expanded the resources that we
are able to provide to artists. One
of the more exciting ventures
came soon after we developed
our Encaustic Gesso when we
joined forces with Ampersand Art
Supply to produce EncausticbordTM
– our Encaustic Gesso on
their panel.
New products, more colors, and
additional services are the goal
we have set for ourselves. Where
once we were a one person
endeavor in a basement in
Brooklyn, we are now an organization
of highly skilled paintmakers,
teachers, curators, technical
researchers, and artists. Our
growth has included expansion
into stores and catalogues
throughout the US, Canada, and
Australia and, very soon, Europe
and Asia, making R&F paints
available to artists around the
R&F Paints