Sports nutritionals 101:
W h at you s hou l d k no w a b ou t
Supplementing your workout
(BPT) -
W hether you’re an athlete looking for an extra competitive edge or would just like to increase
the effectiveness of your daily workout, you have most likely considered adding nutritional sup-
plements to your fitness routine. Diet, exercise and everyday lifestyle are all factors that can help
determine the right supplements for you.
“It’s not uncommon for people who’ve never tried nutritional supplements to have some mis-
conceptions about them,” says Don Saladino, a fitness and nutrition expert who trains celebrities
and is a brand advocate for Garden of Life(R) SPORT. “People may think supplementation is
only for die-hard athletes, but every human being is an athlete. We do things each day like move,
carry items and change direction. Carrying a baby, hauling groceries or
running across the street — these are the exact same patterns an athlete