Who Is Shirley Schaan?
S hirley is a Visionary who came to New
Written by:
Joe Nendza
Businesses who are building their business
without using cash.
Mexico with a Dream. A dream to help Entre- Shirley’s background in Sales taught her that
preneurs and Businesses grow and prosper. A
if you have a Great Product doesn’t mean that
Dream to work with each individual and show you are guaranteed success. With the right ap-
them that together they could accomplish
proach, the right people and a good system you
more. Shirley wanted to create a business that
increase your odds of success. The New Mexico
would allow each business to realize that they
Trade Alliance gives you the Approach, the
are not alone in their day to day struggles. To
People, and the System to increase your odds
build a team of like-minded businesses willing of success.
to build a “New Economy” together.
Shirley saw a need for businesses to fill their
How would she accomplish such a goal...
down times, move inventory, build a need
through Barter/Trade. Barter/Trade is an age
for your services and all with no cash out of
old system used for centuries allowing one
your pocket, just Trade Dollars from your ac-
individual or business to Barter or Trade goods count.
or services equally. Shirley realized the Barter/ Shirley’s vision has grown and members can
Trade system has succeeded but now was a
now offer their services or goods for 100%
time for a new approach, rather than straight
Trade Dollars and in return use their account
across the board Barter/Trade why not build
for advertising, cleaning, dining, alternative
accounts to be tapped into.
health care, parties, massages, luxury vacations
That was when Shirley’s Vision started to take
with members locally or one of 50,000+ mem-
form and she created the New Mexico Trade
bers in other Barter/Trade Exchanges around
Alliance. An alliance of Entrepreneurs and
the world. Shirley has watched her Vision grow