Encantado Magazine Feb 2018 issue | Page 22

us past our hurdles and supports us with our intended commitment. I highly encourage ev- eryone who is working on their health have a life coach, so that your intended WHY finds Practice will keep you in a healthy mindset completion. With her coaching, I found the Practices include: Read Zero Limits and prac- road to my first fitness competition. tice ho’oponopono, mantras, making your bed every morning, etc. To conclude, if you want to create a healthy Practices must make sense with the goal you heart, get clear about WHY it is important to are setting. you, then set goals, and last, get a coach to sup- Get a coach port you on your journey. Remember, when For accountability and support of your goals your heart is right, your health will follow! move the goal forward While goal setting is critical to your success, it is the coaching the keeps us accountable and supported. Celestina recommends that her coachees do a minimum of 3 months of week- ly or biweekly 30 minutes to an hour long ses- sion. The idea is to support the coachee from wavering away from the goal. If we are to suc- ceed at anything, we must stick with our goal until the end. A coach, such as Celestina, get Contact information: coachingcelestina@ gmail.com Featured coach’s name: Eileen Celestina Garcia Photographer: Patrick Baldonado Jewelry: Mary Carrera, Gemstones New Mex- ico