Encantado Magazine December 2017 Issue | Page 46

THe Mindset of success

The number one most important attribute that successful people have is their mindset . It affects their beliefs , their outlook , their view of themselves , their future , their lives . In this article , I ’ m going to share with you what a winning mindset is and what you can do to improve yours , so that you can attain the levels of success you want . So , if your mindset needs an adjustment , read on to find out how to change it and start to be more successful today .

A mindset is a particular way of thinking about something , a habit , a mental inclination . Now with that definition , there ’ s good news and bad news . If your mindset is stuck in the negative , it won ’ t be very productive . If you ’ re pessimistic and tend to see the negative or what ’ s wrong with everything , you won ’ t be very happy and you won ’ t be very successful because you ’ ll stop yourself before you even start . So , if that ’ s the case , you need to find a way to shift your mindset into a positive one . The question is , how do you do that ? Here are a few tools , tips , and techniques to help you .
1st , shift your focus to the positive . Focus on what ’ s working . Focus on what ’ s going right . Focus on what you want and where you ’ re going , not on what you don ’ t want and where you ’ ve been . Don ’ t berate yourself like parents who get upset with their children because they get 5 A ’ s and 1 C and all the parents do is lecture about the C . Wherever you put your energy , will grow . Whatever you feed , thrives , so feed the positive , not the negative .
2nd , believe in yourself and in your talents , skills and abilities . Outrageously successful people have a very strong belief in themselves . They know they ’ re good enough . They know what they are capable of . They don ’ t make excuses . They don ’ t let obstacles block or stop them . They don ’ t let little things distract them . They are forward thinkers . When the going gets tough , they get tougher . They are driven , single-minded , determined to get the results they want . And they take immediate , consistent action , and they don ’ t stop until they reach their destination .
3rd , take full responsibility for everything that happens to you . Your circumstances don ’ t dictate how you should think or feel and what you should do or don ’ t do . Your mindset does . That ’ s why some people let their setbacks set them back , while others thrive in the face of adversity . What ’ s the difference ? It ’ s mindset . Think of it this way . If I brought you to the water and I held you down under the water , I ’ m sure you would do whatever it takes to stay alive .