En Passant Summer 2009 | Page 5

13...Bf8!? 14 Nc3 Bc5+ 15 Kh1 Qh8 16 g4 Bxe6+ Kxe6 19 gxf5+ gxf5 20 c3! Bg1! 21 Qe2 Bxh2 22 Qg2 (so far, my analysis after the game; it seems that Black is lost but...) 22...Qd3! (Burgess) 23 Kxh2 Kf7! 24 Qh3 Qe2+ 25 Kg1 Rg8+ 26 Kh1 Rh8! 27 Qxh8 Qxf1+ with a draw by perpetual check. 17...gxf5 18 Bxd5 Now 18 Nxe4 loses to 18...fxe4! 19 f5 Rg8!! 20 fxe6+ Ke8! 21 Qe2 Nd4 22 Qf2 Nf5!, while 18 Qe2 Rg8! also leads to a win for Black. If the knight retreats, then the white f-pawn will advance to open up the black king. Black must let the knight go, and he needs to act quickly to gain some compensation for the rook minus. 16...Qh3! 17 gxf5 Surprisingly, analysis later showed that White is in trouble here, and that the only way to save the game is 17 Nxe4! dxe4 18 K K 18...Bxd5 19 Nxd5 Rg8 20 Qe2? Now the roof falls in, but the better 20.Rf2 loses to 20...Bxf2 21 Qxf2 Nd4 22 Ne3 Nf3 23 Nf1 Qh4!! 24 Qe3 Qe1!. 20...Nd4 21 Qf2 Nf3 22 Qe2 Nxh2! It’s a shame that I didn’t spot the lovely 22...Qg3!! 23 hxg3 Rh8+ 24 Kg2 Rh2 mate, but this also forces a quick mate. 23 Rf2 Nf1+ 24 Rh2 Rg1 mate 0–1 K K You too can write a chess article! K Your new editor Articles are the lifeblood of En Passant, and more of us should be writing them. So why did JayCee have to send out repeated requests for new articles? There are probably three problems. First, some of us may believe we are incapable of writing a worthwhile article. Second, we may feel that our stronger brethren will pour scorn on our chess analysis. Third, we can’t think of a topic to write about. I will address all three problems, and then hopefully I will be buried under a deluge of articles. In recent years there have been two main writers, Mike Read and myself. My articles can go on a bit, and as editor I will have less time to write them. If you want more variety in your En Passant, indeed if you want the magazine to survive, the answer lies in the hands of readers like you. I cannot write a worthwhile article If you can write at all, then you can write about chess. As we shall see, there is a myriad of topics that you can write about, even if you do not want to annotate a game. If you do send in an annotated game and you are the lowest graded player in Norfolk, then you can be pretty sure that 5