8 ways to capitalise and save costs on FTTH provision
Voice of Industry Speaking Slot
8 ways to Capitalise & Save Costs on FTTH Provision
Our Business Development Manager , Colin Kirkpatrick is a Voice of Industry speaker and will be presenting :
8 ways to capitalise and save costs on FTTH provision
Thursday 16 th February | 09:30-10:30 | Conference Room 3
Session 9 : Do it Right ! How to choose the best FTTH solution for your project
Colin ’ s presentation will cover the fundamentals it ’ s important to look at when choosing an FTTH solution :
1 ) Will there be a fibre shortage in the future , can I still install a scalable network in the ground to meet initial demands without compromising fibre provision in the future ?
2 ) What fibre count do I need to install in the feeder networks on day 1 and what do I need in the future ?
3 ) Can I have inbuilt flexibility in case there are network or design changes in the future ( ie change from PON to P2P )?
4 ) Now do I make best use of existing Infrastructure ?
5 ) Can the customer drops / lead to cash be easily installed without high overheads ?
6 ) Are there ways to reduce prices on the civils aspect that does not increase prices on other parts of the build ?
7 ) How can I make sure that my network is as future proof as possible at a reasonably low investment ?
8 ) Do I have a dedicated pathway to each home meaning I can easily maintain and add new fibre when the time comes ?