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What's up with these empty nets in our ocean?


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Well ,the biggest contributer to the loose, empty, harmful nets in the ocean is most certainly the fishing industry. Often times big fishing nets are abandoned or lost in the ocean. Large nets can catch on coral reefs or other aquatic features and detach from what ever ship it came from. These nets that are now lost at see, allowing no profit to be made and tons of damadge to be done are known as ghost nets. Ghost Nets often trap marine life , injure marine life, or suffacate them by being caught around the body. When fish or other aquatic organisms are caught in the nets and die, predators come to feast, but wind up caught themselves adding to the horrendous cycle. These lethal nets are contributing to a depleating commercial fish stock as well harming or killing rare and endagered species.

Dolphin Tangled in a fishing net washed up on the shore. "Coastal-Marine Research Group"

sea turtle caught in fishsing net. "Ary Zauq"

Daniella Morrison

"Ghost Nets in the Ocean." : What Are Ghost Nets? Marine Mammal Center, n.d. Web. 30 May 2016.