Emptiness Emptiness | Page 7

25 before a human voice

spoke words in verse -

this rushing stream

26 Glencar Waterfall

sings its own name

even at night

27 Murrisk Abbey

once loud with prayer-

the voice of a crow

28 Moore Hall

the caw of a rook

could flatten it

29 graveyard

seldom visited

except by clouds

30 where are the dead?

broken walls -

the Burren of Clare

31 pilgrims and rogues

saints and sinners ...

all have passed this way

32 Croagh Patrick . . .

will there be pilgrims

a thousand years from now?

33 an ancient verse

heard on the wind:

‘an old grey eye weeps profusely ..’

34 trees

revealing their secrets

to the awakened eye

35 in the glow of evening

born again...


36 endless journey . . .

was it all for this?

rock pool

37 sunset . . .

our longing

to disappear

38 on the last day

all our frozen sins

will they melt into nothingness?