Depelsah /MOBB Continued

Moms were sharing photos of their beautiful sons, their sons accomplishments, and their fears for their sons," said the MOBB founder. The love that the women have for their sons were flowing. The fact that this Facebook group grew at such an alarming rate illustrated the need for support in this situation and situations of the like. Since then the MOBB’s Facebook group has grown to 140k and has developed into a fully functional community service organization, MOBB UNITED, with moms mobilizing on a national and international scale. MOBB United has members in the UK, Canada, and Singapore.

MOBB United’s focus is to influence legislative policy, change the perception that the world has of Black men and boys; to demonstrate collective, political, and economic power within the communities that they serve, strategically partner with other organizations that can assist MOBB United in carrying out its mission, and promoting self-care for moms of black boys and their families. Since the conception of MOBB United 8 months ago there have been significant developments within this group of almost 170K women. They have morphed into their own finely tuned machine driven by the innovation and know-how of Depelsha Thomas Mcgruder and each mother’s innate desire to protect and nurture their sons in a way that will lead to them living to become solid independent men. These moms reach out to each other by way of regular meet ups and planning committees all over the country. MOBBS come together and attend the funerals of Black men and boys that have been murdered by law enforcement. Their presence at funerals, marches, and rallies serves as a blanket of comfort to the communities that they serve. A non-profit organization has been linked to MOBB United establishing them as a viable social welfare organization. Sisterhoods have been formed through the frontline work these women do in the social reform trenches. Prosecutors, doctors, entrepreneurs, housewives, nurses, cops, accountants, politicians and many other phenomenal women have all come together 170K strong, worldwide, in full formation with Depelsha Thomas Mcgruder and MOBB United for one reason… their sons.

For more information on MOBB United, go to www.mobbunited.org and follow the group ong

Twitter and Instagram @mobbunited, and

Facebook at mobbunited