EM: How will you prevent financial crimes like money laundering from occurring on your watch as Chairperson of the California Democratic Party if you are elected?
K. Ellis: In a word, transparency. The rules that govern our party should facilitate the will of our rank-and-file, not impede it. I believe we should hold all our party officials, representatives, and organizations to the highest possible standard. Nobody should receive money – as a donation or as personal income – from interests that conflict with our party’s values.
I believe it’s my job to lead by example. And that it’s our job as Democrats to call out bad behavior when we see it. We should not be afraid to withhold endorsements from party members who compromise their integrity. Our membership should never be put in a position where we are making excuses for our leaders’ pursuit of personal gain.
If we want people to fight for us, we need to show them a party worth fighting for.
Kimberly Ellis rebukes big pharma, big oil, big tobacco, and privatized prisons. She shows up as a grassroots politician who has evey intention of deliverng on her promises to the people. She shows up as just what the Democratic Party needs to get back to basics.
For more information on Kimbelry Ellis go to
"I believe it’s my job to lead by example. And that it’s our job as Democrats to call out bad behavior when we see it."
-Kimberly Ellis