Ben and Jerry's has placed a blog post on their website that clearly states their passionate stance against the privatization of prisons in America. The blog post is titled

It's Time to Reform the Criminl (In) Justice System.

The post reads as follows:

We Speak Up When We See Injustice

Our values drive everything we do. And just like the chunks and swirls in our pints, they define us and inspire us. They are an inherent part of what it means to be Ben & Jerry’s.

We’ve—loudly—supported many causes in our almost 40-year history. Causes like marriage equality and LGBTQ rights, equality, climate justice, and racial justice.

The truth is that none of us, regardless of race, religion, gender, or sexuality, can be considered free if the rights of anyone anywhere are being trampled or denied. Each one of us is obligated to speak up when we see injustice. And that’s why we’re speaking up now. America incarcerates people at an absurdly high rate. Higher than any other country. This ruins lives, in particular the lives of people of color, but through its effects, our whole society. And change is long overdue.

To read the enitre blog post go to:
