MADE: We hear the term
“grind” often—how do you
define it?
DJ: The word grind is often
used, but if you ask me my
meaning of it, it is how you take
full advantage of the circum-
stances around you, your time,
your energy and your knowledge.
If you really look at it, all of us
are going to rise. We’re going
to rise every single day, but I
have the exact same 24 hours
ferent because the rise is something
we’re going to do regardless.
MADE: In the book you talk about
how you admire millennials because
we’re always on our grind it 24/7
and we go after every opportunity
that comes our way. How does that
help or hurt us in the long run?
DJ: In the book I acknowledge mil-
lennials because you have two types
of millennials. Ones that everyone
feels like they’re not social, or they
Grind—it is how
you take full
advantage of the
around you,
your time, your
energy and your
to make the best out of my life
that you have to make the best
out of your life and that’s your
grind. That is what you do. Do
you spend most of your time
watching television that doesn’t
empower you? Do you not go to
the gym? Do you go to the gym
but eat the worst things possi-
ble? Do you not spend quality
time with your family? And when
you’re at work, are you learning
from the job that you have as
well as progressing or are you
just trying to get the day over
with and go to the bar after-
wards? So the grind is actually
the only thing that makes us dif-
feel like they’re owed something
and they’re spoiled brats. Ok well,
that was the same thing that was
said about my generation and every
generation before us. But, then you
look at the other side and then there
are millennials who are always on it.
Their phone is not off after 5pm. The
phone is on all the time. They’re con-
stantly empowering themselves with
knowledge because they’re seeking
it out throughout this community.
They are social. They can overthrow
government with Twitter and never
have to pick up a gun. I think that
makes the millennials more valuable
to us. So yes, the attention may have
become shorter, but that’s due to |