2018 state of the
ove us or hate us.
Millennials are a trending
topic. And the scrutiny is con-
tinuing to grow as we’ve aged
and moved from the “kids
table” into being real adults.
quotes that we post may seem like
Some facts about us will
vanity. But, they point to a genera-
always remain. We are the
tional commitment to improving men-
most diverse and educated
tal, physical and emotional health.
generation to date. Yay! We are
also strapped with the highest
We are the first digital natives. And
amount of student loan debt in
with that has come a monumental
recent history and trying to re-
increase in access to information; and
bound from un- and under-em-
accountability for the knowledge we
ployment. Boo!
hold. We’ve seen what cigarettes can
This article will not focus on
do. We’ve seen what pollution can do.
what’s been said about us time
We’ve seen how diet affects diabetes,
and time again. Instead, it will
heart health, and obesity. We’ve seen
highlight some of our lifestyle
how stigma has stifled mental health.
tendencies that could greatly
We’ve seen how stress manifests in
shake things up.
the body.
Health & Wellness
Vegan. Whole 30. Paleo.
#GoodVibes #Positve
Afffirmations #Mindfulness
These may seem like trending
topics, but they are actually
lifestyle references for many
millennials. From an outsider,
the food pics, workout videos,
spa days, sweaty selfies and
“For Millennials, wellness is a daily,
active pursuit. They’re exercising more,
eating smarter and smoking less than
previous generations. They’re using
apps to track training data, and online
information to find the healthiest foods.
And this is one space where they’re
willing to spend money on compelling
brands,” according to the Goldman
Sachs’ “Our Thinking: Millennials
Coming of Age” report.
Consider how having an on-campus
gym at the office could sway a millenni-
al interviewee. Look at how a campaign
centered on a brand’s commitment to |