Empowered Woman Magazine Third Issue January 2017 | Page 15

Patti Cotton

8) If you could share with other women your own wisdom. With our generation of busy women, what wisdom we failing to share with our daughters but we should be?

A) We are failing to share with our own daughters - and sons - that each of them should define their own success. Don't compare yourself to others. Discover and use your unique gifts. There is no one else but you who can make a difference in the way that you can.

9) You speak frequently on hold us back from playing our best game. Can you elaborate on the best game concept and the reasons why we're held back? A) As human beings, we run to safety. This is a natural inclination! However, long after the safety net in an area of our lives has outlived its usefulness, we cling to it out of emotional habit. This holds us back from our fuller potential.

One example of this is my client, Mary G., who was afraid to ask for what she wanted. She feared rejection. As we worked together, we discovered that as a small girl, she was discouraged from asking, and told that it was selfish. She learned that asking for herself meant she was not accepted as a "good girl" or accepted as a family member in good standing After we worked through a series of exercises, she was able to break through that old, faulty belief holding her back. She went out and asked for what she wanted. That broke the dam - and she has redesigned her life and work so that she gets what she wants.

Interviewed by Sharon Nicholas