Empowered Woman Magazine Second Issue May 2014 | Page 46

One Tough Muther,

My question is about moving away from where you've grown up. I have so far pretty much stayed in the same area Of where I've grown up. The elementary school my kids attend is my childhood schools rival ha ha. Well I have all my adult life wanted to get out of here, felt like I should or felt it was what I am to do. Theres nothing wrong with "here" I just feel like im boxed in. All these years I've been saying to my husband lets move south and get a fresh start, All this world and we are here?? Well he is finally on board; and now I am a little nervous ha. He says it everyday about moving south to N.C, he even wanted to start planning for a move as soon as school let out for the kids, (which won't happen). I'm thinking more of years down the road. ANYWAY, when we mention this to family no one minds except my inlaws. My mother in law crys my father in law gets angry, "Oh How can you take the kids away!?" They will miss us all. Its a big "ta do".So my question is when moving should you consider others and respect them and stay or go with what you want to do because this is our life to live.

Dear Mover,

Moving away from family is often tough and stressful. However, there are times in your life when you need to make your own way in the world.

Such times can be if you can't find the right opportunity, with a job, money, housing, or you are just unhappy with the area completely. These are the times when you have to make the decision to do what is best for you and your family.

Believe me, your in-laws have lived their lives and will adjust. They must have decided as a young couple where to live with their family and raise their children the way they saw fit.

Mover, it is now your time, your families time, to do the same.

Who knows, the in-laws may like where you go and decide to move closer as well. At any rate they have to respect your wishes and support your decisions.

So in my opinion, get up and get out if you are truly ready or unhappy.

Life is meant to be lived, and opportunities don't find you, you have to find them.

If there is nothing for you where you are now, it’s time to MOVE forward, for yourself, your family and your life.


~OTM One Tough Muther

HI One tough muther!

All day I felt excellent, my mood was great, i felt energized, i didn't feel stressed. Then my husband came home from work, b*tching and complaining about his job and how down (boo hoo) he feels. I rolled my eyes and walked away because i honestly didn't want to hear it. But now i feel depressed, down, moody MISERABLE. I said to my husband i felt fine until you came home now i feel terrible. He said "Funny, now i feel great"..He says maybe i threw my bad energy onto you. Well I think so. Do you believe that energy of another can affect how we feel? This happens alot with my husband, i feel he throws his bad mood onto me AND I HATE IT.

Dear Dottie,

YES, I totally believe that one person's energy can and does affect another. It is amazing that when you are in a room of complainers, your mood becomes miserable and you start to complain. However, if you are in a room with people who are happy and laughing you can't help but notice your mood lighten up.

Ask crabby hubby to try to shake some of it before he gets home. Maybe take a longer way home, listen to upbeat music, or vent with a co-worker.

I know this will not always work, because there are things he will need to share with you, but if it works for part of the time, you'll be spared.

If that doesn't work.....buy ear plugs!


~OTM One Tough Muther