Empowered Woman Magazine Second Issue May 2014 | Page 4

Often as women we are bombarded with imagery everywhere. The images of beauty we see everywhere are meant to be sent with a message, one which tells us we aren’t accepted for the way we are and we need to change ourselves to fit. We all face these message especially women are impacted, more recently the media is now starting to focus on men. Men will now face the same subliminal or the not so subtle message of not fitting the ideal. The fact that preschool age children see the message and understand it is rather shocking but it goes to show how strong the message is. That no matter who we are, young or old we’re affected by the message in different ways, in some way it can be good. The message may be a motivator to some, to live a healthier lifestyle or to keep their weight down so they can live longer. In other ways the message can badly impact your life by developing body image issues.

Too much focus on the media makes us feel badly about ourselves and can lead to more serious problems. Some choose to listen very closely to the message and others disregard the message entirely.

The beauty industry is a billion dollar industry for a reason; their message is working. The message which is perpetuated by the media’s focus on body image and beauty can impact your perception of yourself, your life and your relationships only if you let it. A healthy self-image with a balanced life is critical today.

When we focus on our outer shell more than what is healthy ,we can loose focus on what is important. Don't loose focus on your own emotional, spiritual, mental health and well being. Keeping things in perspective is harder today than ever.

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on The Word of Mom Network!
