Empowered Woman Magazine Second Issue May 2014 | Page 39

by Kristin schmidt

Dear Kristin,

In the last year I have put almost fifty pounds on, and I am struggling with feeling good about myself.

I rarely put makeup on anymore, I dress in yoga pants and oversized shirts and I don’t do yoga. My hair is in a ponytail most of the time because I just don’t even want to fix my hair. I avoid mirrors because I can’t stand to look at myself . I avoid leaving the house and I can’t seem to get out of this funk. Where do I even start to turn this around? Signed : Pam

Dear Pretty Pam,

Girl! You are preaching to the choir on this one! I have been in that funk and it’s not pretty. But, trust me you can turn this around, starting today! The way you feel today did not happen overnight so fixing it will not happen overnight. But you can do things today to feel pretty. Baby steps my friend, baby steps.


Let’s start with the basics, as they seem to get overlooked when we feel so down. Shave what you need to, that’s up to you! Scrub everything head to toe, put a moisturizer on. Then get dressed. Now get some makeup on your pretty face. Even if it’s only lip gloss. Now the hair. Comb it , blow dry it and do not put it in a pony! I am guessing that it more than likely needs a trim, color or some maintenance. Make an appointment if necessary to get that done. One of the things I encourage women to do is their nails. It doesn’t matter what we weigh, our age or financial circumstances. We can groom our nails. Cut, clean, file , paint them or buff them.

Just focusing on taking care of YOU will make you feel prettier. I know that the extra weight is still there. Guess what… It’s going to be there a while. It’s going to take some time to get that off. So let’s not focus on the weight right now. You are pretty already, you have just lost yourself. You are not alone. The real pretty you is in there. We just need to bring pretty back in your life. It’s possible, I promise you. We can all do this together.

Life isn’t perfect…But it can be pretty