Empowered Woman Magazine Second Issue May 2014 | Page 32

Regardless of the lifestyle labels society gives to each of us, we are ALL working women! I have never met a woman who wasn’t doing at least 2 things at once. Most likely, she was also thinking of at least 2 more. However, as we educate ourselves on mental well being, we know maintaining this level of activity is going to lead to burn out and fatigue. I’m confident we have all had some varying degrees of exhaustion as we commingle careers, family, and personal obligations. It’s really not a question of “if” exhaustion will settle in but “when”. Spring is a perfect time to evaluate our lifestyles and makes some adjustments.

The very essence of spring is renewal. As the world awakes from months of grey skies and lifeless landscapes, our spirits should renew as well. Often, the smallest changes disembark the biggest results. We just need to be aware that change is needed and follow through with our efforts.

Here’s a list of 7 Simple Things to Rekindle Your Inner Fire This Spring. Use them all or select just one you are willing to engage in. Either way, the rewards will outweigh the effort. Bloom!

7) Find a Hobby: Something you really like to do but don’t anymore? Want to learn something new? Maybe you have a dream you don’t pursue? I personally can’t wait for spring so I can get back outside in my gardens. Gardening is the simplest thing I do. The key is when I’m out there all I think of is what I’m doing at the time. I can keep a watchful eye on my children while enjoying fresh air. It’s quiet and I enjoy it alone. Other “here and now ideas” are crafts, floral design, home improvement, painting, blogging, and decorating. Find something that fits your personality. The critical elements of having a hobby is that you do it alone, it’s available when you have time, you see gratifying results, and your mind is free of burdens.

6) Keep a Journal: sounds simple doesn’t it? It’s really not. It does require some discipline but studies have proven journaling reduces stress. Varying topics keeps it from getting mundane. The bonus is you can reread your journals and discover many things about yourself. Don’t’ know where to start? Some ideas are gratitude, a diary, travel, humor, kids, or a visionary board.

5) Get Physical: Was losing weight part of your new year’s resolution? I found a great way to succeed in losing pounds and inches is to make that your Secondary goal instead of the primary reason to exercise. It is absolutely impossible to exercise without feeling more confident! Nor can you exercise and remain negative or in a blasé mood. Trust me, you can’t do it! Instead of putting off working out and subsequently beating yourself up because you failed your diet plan, accept this challenge. Tomorrow, exercise to see if you feel better mentally. Doesn’t matter what your exercise is or how long you do it, just move. In one week, see if your mind is focusing on more positive things. The weight WILL come off, but weight won’t be why you work out anymore.
