EmpleosLatino Media Kit - ENGLISH | Page 8

Partner Products

¡ Encuentre trabajo al alcance de tan solo un click !


• Promote your employment ads in a shared space within the enewsletter and includes a featured ad to showcase job listing
• E-newsletters are emailed on Wednesdays ( when there is an advertiser scheduled )
• They are received by elclasificado . com users visiting the employment section , 50 % of our visitors are searching in the employment section at www . elclasificado . com
• Top regions are Los Angeles , Inland Empire , Orange County , San Bernardino and Riverside County with an average of one thousand emails
• Emails vary monthly ( see your advertising consultant for updated numbers )

Out of California Packages

• One Job posting on www . ElClasificado . com , Includes “ Brinka ” a special feature to boost your advertisement to the top of the list every 6 hours
• One Job Posting on www . empleoslatino . com - Our SEO optimized website in which Google recognizes key words and locations to provide better local results within a 25-mile radius
• One Job Posting on www . EcClassifieds . com
• National Package - Includes additional advertisements in all major cities near your area on www . elclasificado . com
( Example : Dallas , TX , would cover Arlington , Houston , etc .)
• Local Tracking # optional for $ 5.00 a week / on a 4-week term . - It will provide an email confirmation after each call .
www . echispanicmedia . com Sales @ elclasificado . com 323-278-5310