Emmanuel Magazine July/August 2016 | Page 2

Emmanuel Website and Digital Edition On our website, emmanuelpublishing.org, you will find current short scriptural, theological, and cultural reflections, all from a eucharistic perspective. Information as to subscribing to our digital edition can also be found at emmanuelpublishing.org. If you are a current subscriber to the print edition of Emmanuel, you can request free access to the digital edition. Please send your name, address and account number (as it appears on your mailing label) to [email protected]. We will then send you instructions on how to obtain your digital edition. Thank you for subscribing to Emmanuel. EMMANUEL MAGAZINE (ISSN 0013-6719) is published bimonthly with 6 issues a year, by the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament, 5384 Wilson Mills Road, Cleveland, Ohio 44143-3092. Phone (440) 449-2103. E-mail: [email protected]. Periodicals postage paid at Cleveland, Ohio and at additional mailing offices. SUBSCRIPTIONS (print subscription includes access to digital edition): individual (U.S.) $35.00 one year/ $65.00 two years; Canadian and foreign $40.00 one year/ $75.00 two years, U.S. currency; single issues $8.00 plus postage. EDITOR: 5384 Wilson Mills Road, Cleveland OH 44143. POSTMASTER: send address change to Emmanuel Magazine, 5384 Wilson Mills Road, Cleveland, Ohio 44143-3092. ©2016 ©2016 BY THE CONGREGATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT EMMANUEL MAGAZINE is a member of the Catholic Press Association. Indexed by The Catholic Periodical and Literature Index. EDITOR ART DIRECTOR MANAGER LAYOUT CIRCULATION MANAGER BOOK REVIEW EDITOR PHOTOGRAPHY Anthony Schueller, SSS John Christman, SSS Kay Vincent Elizabeth Zaller Patrick Riley John Christman, SSS; Keith Chevalier BOARD Lisa Marie Belz, OSU Thomas Dragga James Menkaus Gilbert Ostdiek, OFM COVER BURNING BUSH TABERNACLE, John Collier, bronze, Saint Gianna Beretta Molla Church, Winnipeg, Manitoba photo courtesy Hillstream Gallery - www.hillstream.com [email protected] Emmanuel Magazine is published by the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament. The Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament is a Roman Catholic religious group of men whose mission is to assist the church in its efforts to form Christian communities whose center of life is the Eucharist. “Our ideal,” as it is stated in our Rule of Life, “is to live the mystery of the Eucharist fully and to make known its meaning, so that Christ’s reign may come and the glory of God be revealed to the world.” 214