Emmanuel Magazine January/February 2018 | Page 10

Emmanuel their ulterior motives , their secret intentions . Matthew makes it clear that Herod kept his fears hidden , and even his experts had ulterior motivations . But that did not stop the Magi from moving ahead because of the implications of that knowledge .
The Eucharist is a living testimony to God ’ s intention to be with us and in us . What if , like the Magi , we were receptive to God ’ s truth , no matter how suspicious we were of others ’ ostensible motivations ? The Magi were not judging the power structure , the institutional apparatus , they were listening for the truth that is all in all .
Movement in the Flesh : Entry Points
“ They were overjoyed at seeing the star , and on entering the house they saw the child with Mary his mother . They prostrated themselves and did him homage . Then , they opened their treasures and offered him gifts of gold , frankincense , and myrrh ” ( Mt 2:10-11 ).
The star appeared over the house . The external sign led the wise ones to the most intimate of places , the house of Mary , Joseph , and Jesus . In Hebrew , Beth-el is the “ house of God ” and Bethlehem is the “ house of bread .” How appropriate . At the house , the Eucharistic journey comes to its fullest expression as lofty perceptions give way to the most intimate of human visions , a mother with her child . We are all voyeurs here , seeing with the Magi the simplest and most profound love .
When the Magi arrive at their destination , they respond to what they see with adoring hearts ; they worship . This is the “ scandal ” of the incarnation : that the manifestation of God ’ s love in Christ is to be acknowledged and worshipped . This is the most explicit Eucharistic moment in the journey : Jesus is found in the house of bread , the Magi bow in prostration to worship , they respond by offering gifts .
Matthew is working in a sublime idiom here , teaching us about the purpose of existence , to worship God and offer our bodies and our goods in response to the overwhelming love of Jesus and Mary . The liturgy is a threshold moment and the Eucharist is a doorway into Christ : to go from the outside in .
First , we receive , we take it in , then we respond from all that we have and we give back . This has been the rhythm of the Magi all along , from their study , the steps into the unknown , their trusting the words of