Emmanuel Magazine January/February 2015 | Page 4

Emmanuel FROM THE EDITOR I grew up in the pre-Vatican II church of the 1960s and felt the first pull toward a church vocation in its embrace. As a young novice and seminarian, I experienced the energy and exhilaration the council unleashed among many, as well as the confusion and pain of others who believed the council betrayed everything they loved and held true as Catholics. The council that Good Pope John called has impacted my life and ministry in every imaginable way. I count it a blessing to serve the Catholic Church at this particular moment in its long and illustrious history. As the late scripture scholar Father Raymond Brown once remarked at the start of a lecture he was giving, “What interesting times we live in as Catholics!” “Ecumenical councils, whenever they are assembled, are a solemn celebration of the union of Christ and his church and hence lead to the universal radiation of truth, to the proper guidance of individuals in domestic and social life, to the strengthening of spiritual energies for a perennial uplift toward real and everlasting goodness.” These words come from the address of John XXIII to the assembled bishops and invited guests at the opening of the Second Vatican Council on October 11, 1962. To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the close of the council and the promulgation of its decrees, Emmanuel has invited a number of authors from various backgrounds to examine seven of its major documents. Our request was “simple”: touch on the principal teachings and themes of the document; speak to things that might have been said and weren’t; and explore its implications for a church that places the Eucharist at the center of its life and mission. In the process, we hope to see how the work of the council has promoted “the union of Christ and his church,” radiated “universal truth” to the world around us, offered guidance to the people of