Emerging Economies Emerging Economies | Page 8

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Health problems in the US, has been a big problem for a long time. It has tried to be fixed with several campaigns such as the Obama Care. But still problems have raised with people having a low pay, and not having the enough attention, or having health insurance and it not covering completely, or people rather not going to the doctor because of costs, and going when it really is needed. There are four types of economies that are used by countries and by the world. The first one traditional economies, which use the scarce resources and nearly a all other economic activity to survive as a whole. The next economy is command economies, in which the central authority makes most of the decisions and individual freedom is limited. The next economies is market economies, in which people make decisions in the own best interest; like in a market, dollars are like votes the more buyers get a products, the company knows that one is a best seller and is in there best interest to create more of those. Finally there is Mixed economies which is used by most countries, and is a system that combines economies from the three above. Every country has a different economies, but I believe the best one is a mixed economy, because you get the best form each of the economies listed above and create your economy, based on the country's economic goals.