Embody Amor | Page 30



What do you consider your first professional acting experience?

" I consider my first professional acting experience a commercial that was featured in movie theaters when I was in the 7th grade. I remember my 175 pound co-star leaning on my 90 pound frame."

What are some key things you do to perfect your craft?

"Take classes, practice, people watch, attend film festivals, I watch film/tv/plays, network, and talk to God through prayer which is the most important of them all for me. I stay busy which can be exhausting, so another thing I do is make sure I take the proper time to rest.

I believe I am not an expert with resting because I tend to make myself feel like I am being lazy when in actuality I am not.

I simply have to be patient and let the process take its course because everyone's story of becoming an artist/actor is different. The beauty of the craft at its core is that difference."

Your Super Bowl commercial production was great. Can we expect more fun, humorous works similar in the future?

" I didn't think people really looked at my youtube channel, so I stopped making the videos. Let me pull out my book of ideas and get some things started."

-Jessica Fallen

When did you know acting was your calling or passion?

"I knew acting was my passion in the 4th grade, but I was not confident enough to pursue it in high school and college. I clearly do not care now."

How old were you during your first acting experience?

"I was about 7 or 8 when I first experienced acting on a stage. In high school, I played the flute and performed at Soldier Field, Ravinia, competitions and more. "