"Kelley is a fearless, non-fiction and self-help writer known for her raw and transparent style. She self-published all five books and her first one, Perfectly Planned (Overcoming Incest, Rape & Sexual Abuse) is now sold in four countries. She hopes to have her upcoming books, "I Fell in Love With the Dick 'cus I Thought Dick Was It" as well as "White Supremacy, The Virus that Infected America and Black People" released by Summer 2017. When Kelley isn't shocking strangers with her unabridged writing, she's most likely shocking her husband and son with pranks around their home.
Kelley writes a monthly blog focusing on several different topics such as forgiveness, thoughts, emotions, relationships, healing and so much more that can be found at AuthorKellyTalks.."
practice, books and speaking engagements. You can find more information about her books by clicking on one of the books below.
Pain that which leads to
Power that which creates
Passion that which leads to discovering your
Purpose; the reason you were born
#Coach Kelly