UNIFORMS: Yes or No?
One thing we can all agree on is that uniforms have their pros and
cons. Here, in the Czech Republic, we don’t have uniforms at our
schools, which, in my opinion, is a pity. It’s true that having the choice of
choosing what we wear to school is good, of course with some limits. I
believe that majority of young people can tell what is too much.
Anyway, many people think that uniforms suppress individuality
and discourage students from being creative and finding themselves, but
that isn’t necessarily true. Uniforms are meant to help students
concentrate on their studies and develop their education.
On the other hand, uniforms help prevent bullying which can be
caused by the cheaper appearance of some students. Let’s be honest,
not everyone can afford or even want to buy design clothes. From that
point uniform is a good decision since it saves money and sometimes
even children’s live.
We don’t have uniforms at our
school, but we had the opportunity to
order these cool and comfortable hoodies
or T-shirts with our school’s logo.
Students could choose from various
ROBERTVAN1. commons.wikimedia.org [online]. [cit. 22. 5. 2017].
Available at WWW:
(Andy J.)
We have created an online questionnaire in Google forms to ask our students whether they would like to
wear a school uniform or not. We shared it via our system Bakalari.