Czech cuisine:
a surprise for foreign students
Czech cuisine is usually unhealthy. It includes a lot of sugar and fat, but
we love it. On the other hand, Czech dishes have good quality. Compared to other
countries Czech dishes are usually made using meat especially pork and beef.
Schnitzel, pork with dumplings and sauerkraut are traditional dishes in Czech
Experiences during our stay in Czechia: For breakfast we have eaten
same things than in our countries. Snacks between breakfast and lunch have
been a new thing for Finnish and French people. For snacks we have eaten
sandwiches and fruits or vegetables. For lunch we have eaten potato soup
(bramboračka) and schnitzel with potatoes (řízek s bramborem). After lunch we
have eaten snacks again. For dinner we have eaten meat with potatoes, rice or
On Tuesday (24. 4. 2018) we went to Prague and visited a private brewery
there. After that we went to a restaurant called „U Fleků“ where we ate traditional
Czech dishes. First course was potato soup. The main dish was marinated sirloin
(svíčková na smetaně) with dumplings. The dessert was štrůdl with apple and
Finnish students didn´t like the main dish in restaurant on Tuesday
because it was very different than their traditional dishes are. Italian students
didn´t like the first course because they don´t usually eat soups. French students
liked all the meals.