eMag Ipso Facto numéro 1 We-are-what-we-eat_1-2-3 | Page 3
Libera: fighting the Mafia together
Libera helps us to bring back justice and peace
Caselinuovo Antonella, Miriello Martina, Eloranta Erin,
Vattini Ilaria, Jamoneau Laurine 10/01/2018
“Libera Terra” is one of Libera’s projects.
It includes various cooperatives, which
produce organic food on lands
confiscated from illegal organizations
(Mafia). It fights “Agromafie”, illegal
activities which involve agriculture. The
goal of this work is to encourage the birth
of a legal economy circuit together with
the workers and the environment.
Products like wine, oil and vegetables
grown on these confiscated lands can be
bought in Italian supermarkets. In
Calabria, Libera’s cooperatives called
Terre Joniche has confiscated lands in
Cirò and Isola Capo Rizzuto from Mafia.
These lands were given back to the
communities. According to the website of
Libera Terra, “The mission of Libera
Terra project is to give dignity to
territories with a strong Mafia presence”.
One of the most important Libera
initiatives is “Estate Liberi”, which is
crucial, because it allows people to
volunteer to work in the fields or help
the families affected by Mafia. People
can also study this phenomenon, for
example by talking to the family
members of the victims killed by
Mafia. Estate Liberi is trying to spread
a culture based on legality and justice.
“Libera Formazione” is a project that
teaches young people about Mafia.
They work with schools, universities
and various associations.
Libera is an Italian
association that was
founded on 25th of March
in 1995 to encourage the
civil society against Mafia.
It promotes democratic
legality and justice. It was
founded by Luigi Ciotti, a
priest interested in the
social sphere. Over the
years, Libera created
numerous projects and