ELWICK PLACE Ashford, Kent | Page 12

elwickplace . com

elwick place

Terms :
Units are available by way of new effective full repairing and insuring leases for a term of years to be agreed . Quoting rentals by application to the joint agents :
Alex Standen Cradick Property Consultants
01892 515001 enquiries @ cradick . co . uk www . cradick . co . uk
Richard Stafford Stafford Perkins Chartered Surveyors
01233 613900 richard @ staffordperkins . co . uk www . staffordperkins . co . uk
Demographic , catchment and spend information all supplied by FSP .
Misrepresentation Act : These particulars shall not form part of any contract and no guarantee is given as to the condition of the property or the accuracy of its description . An intending purchaser or tenant is not to rely on any representations in these particulars and must satisfy themselves as to their accuracy by their own investigation before entering into any contract .

elwickplace . com