Some other ways of tweaking the simulation include
the following:
All of these are
tweaking tricks I have
used to push learners to
experiment with new
language and provide
more focus on the
process of completing
the task rather than
completion of the task.
The advantage of simulating over role-playing is that it
involves more person-experience, during the process
of simulating the parameters can be changed to add
new layers on the
• Pair interviewer and interviewee up with a silent partner to penumbra of learners’
communicative ability,
offer support with language and content and to provide
the affect of which is
post-simulation feedback;
that they will produce
• Provide each group with a posture and body language
more authentic
guide to offer each participant advice in the simulation on
language and be
these elements;
pushed to deal with the
• Provide each group with a back-channelling monitor (eye
unpredictable – that’s
contact, words like “right”, “ok”,