the blood of Jesus Christ, and that we are seated
in heavenly places. A sense of authority and respect for God’s work in our lives should motivate
us to believe the best about ourselves, to look
after ourselves and to reflect the gospel through
who we are.
How we look should
not celebrate charm
and grace, but value.
Our value must be reflected in how we walk, in
what we wear and what we say. We are daughters
of Christ, princesses in the Kingdom of God.
The worth of anything is dependent on how
much someone is willing to pay for it, and how
much someone will sacrifice to keep it. God the
Father gave ALL He had, to pay the true price of
our worth, and to keep us connected to Him. And
He daily gives everything we need to reaffirm His
love for us. Our value is determined by the sacrifice that was made to save us, and we were paid
with the highest price in Heaven and on Earth, the
death of Jesus Christ, God’s only Son.
Angels stand in awe; creation waits for the revealing of