captivating and important. The world loves charm
and grace. Most romantic comedies usually feature a beautiful woman exercising her mysterious
mesmerising power over a gorgeous guy. But they
neglect to mention that this power of form and
appeal will always lead others to either believe
what is false or disbelieve what is true. Charm and
grace have deceptive power.
band’s words of love and adoration, because you
do not think it’s true? (Pause and think)
Pause and think about the following.....
Do you often ignore compliments, because you
think people are lying? (Pause and think)
How many times do you believe that you won’t
find love because you don’t look like a Hollywood
actress? (Pause and think)
Or how often do you believe that you are not worthy of your husband’s faithfulness because you do
not captivate him the way another woman does?
(Pause and think)
How seldom do you compare yourself with a more
gracious and charming woman, thinking you are
less attractive, less valuable and less desirable?
(Pause and think)
Do you sometimes shy away when meeting a sexy
and beautiful woman, thinking you are not qualified to be her friend? (Pause and think)
Or how many times do you withdraw from a
conversation thinking you are not as talented or
interesting compared to another more attractive
woman? (Pause and think)
Do you sometimes think... “why bother looking
beautiful” won’t make a difference anyway?
(Pause and think)
These messages we get from charm and grace
usually misleads us to believe something false
about who God made us to be. A woman with
a sexy body and a Marilyn Monroe mystery can
sometimes cause us to not see ourselves through
the eyes of truth.
The opposite also happens....
Do you sometimes struggle to believe your hus-
Do you sometimes disregard the testimony of
married women when they say they only trusted
God for their husbands, because you think it won’t
happen to you? You do not feel beautiful enough?
(Pause and think)
Do you often doubt that God has a specific calling
and specific purpose for your life, because you are
not captivating and charming like someone you
know? (Pause and think)
Or how many times do you think that you should
only mix with the rich and influential, because
God must have his favourites based on looks,
and therefore you only mix with the “in” crowd.
(Pause and think)
Or do you sometimes disbelieve that God can love
you without any expectations. Don’t you often
feel like you should do something from your side,
like go for a make-over or buy a new dress for God
to answer your prayers and give you your heart’s
desires? (Pause and think)
Charm and grace misleads us to disbelieve the
truth about how God feels about us. We often
build a wall around us, shielding us from messages
of truth, because it’s much easier to believe the
lie. There is no lasting power in beauty. It will
fade, and therefore we cannot construct a true
perception around it. Beauty is ineffective and
unfruitful. Even men who have committed adultery will testify to this. If we want to be honoured,
admired, respected and celebrated, we cannot
look to charm and grace to provide us with messages of truth. Beauty is vain. Charm and grace are
Our value should be determined by the revelations we get from a living relationship with God.
We should respect what God says about us. There
is great influence in knowing that we are worth
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