Elohim September 2015 | Page 35

been hanging on the edge with one finger for the moment God presented the solution so I could jump on it before anyone else could even blink! Thirty eight years is a lot of time to ready yourself for action, when God presents the way. When the man told Jesus he just couldn’t get to the water. Jesus told him to get up, pick up his mat and walk. Take action! Get up. He told him to get away from the window and Get UP! “Pick up your mat.” Clean up your mess. Now my Mother might argue that this is a biblical commandment to make up your bed and maybe it is. Maybe Jesus was telling us to clean things up around us and be ready for when He tells you what to do. Pick up your mat and get ready! Get your affairs in order so that you are ready to walk when Jesus says to walk. You’ll notice so far He didn’t say lay there and wait until the water comes to you! Don’t sit in front of the TV day in and day out waiting on the right numbers to come up in the lottery so that your bills are paid off. Get a job, even if you are flipping burgers, you’re on your way to paying off your debt. Who knows, God could have already stirred the waters at McDonalds and the man waiting to give you your dream job eats BigMacs daily! You just need to jump in the pool to meet him! If you’re hurting, find someone that is hurting worse and lift them up. There is no greater blessing than to be a blessing to someone else. The bottom line is, stop looking out the window day dreaming about the day that your miracle appears. Get up, pick up your mess and start walking.` “Arise pick up your mat and Walk!” Step out and start walking. Stop sitting by the window waiting for your miracle to run up in the front yard like Ed McMan with a big check! Start walking. God can’t guide you in the right direction if you are sitting still. You might make some wrong turns, but as long as you are walking God can guide your steps, even turn you around if you get off track. Stop waiting on someone else to change so that your circumstances get better, begin changing yourself. Don’t wait and pray that God instructs someone else to put you in the pool, begin praying that God will give you the strength and wisdom required to ‘get in the pool’ yourself. Page 35