aul and I had our baby girl in December and we could not be happier and more
blessed. God is truly AMAZING and I couldn’t
ask for a more humbling, loving experience
than staring into a child of God’s eyes wondering what the future holds for her.
I will admit, along with this tremendous
blessing from above, has come along challenges and new chapters that I am diving
into and am more anxious to learn about
every day.
Isn’t it amazing how God teaches
us something new about ourselves
and the people around us?
One challenge for me has been family and
those who consider themselves “close” to
my husband or me. Being a wife, mother,
homemaker, and full-time working woman is
TOUGH! and that is okay to admit. One thing
“superwomen” have a tough time doing is
admitting they have reached their limits; it’s
like we don’t want anyone to “know” we just
can’t do it all. Well, we are weak and humble
creatures in God’s eyes and our honesty with
Him and with each other is the best remedy
for those “I’ve just had enough” moments.
We all go through it.
My husband and I both come from divorced
parents and both of our parents have remarried, so, we have FOUR sets of parents
and grandparents for Meadow! And I thought
it was going to be tough to get around on the
holidays just for just us two?! HA! Little did I
know... Now, don’t get me wrong, Meadow
is TRULY BLESSED to have all her grandparents who love her and who are more than
willing to help and to love her. And Paul and I
are blessed with a big family who love us
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In the beginning I found myself feeling guilty
that I couldn’t ‘accommodate’ all the grandparents enough or visit as much. Spreading
myself, my baby, and our family too thin was
beginning to wear me out. I am a huge family person now and I love having the family
together, but I know my limits and I know
that I need my own time with my husband
and our baby girl. So, I had to come to God
saying “look, here’s what I’m facing, please
help me to make the best out of mine and
my husband’s situation for our daughter and
ourselves”. And, sure enough, with my mother-in-law and my own mother: God pointed
me straight to the book of Ruth.
Ruth 1:6-19
When Naomi heard in Moab that the Lord
had come to the aid of his people by providing
food for them, she and her daughters-in-law
prepared to return home from there. 7 With
her two daughters-in-law she left the place
where she had been living and set out on the
road that would take them back to the land of
8 Then Naomi said to her two daughters-inlaw, “Go back, each of you, to your mother’s
home. May the Lord show you kindness, as you
have shown kindness to your dead husbands
and to me. 9 May the Lord grant that each
Used with permission.
and who God gave us for a reason. Growing
up, my parents were never really “touchy/
emotional/I love you” all over the place
parents. Now, over the years, I see a huge
change, in all of us, and I can only thank
God for answering silent prayers. I think that
hindered me some in my relationships with
some of my in-laws because I didn’t quite
know how to want to surround myself with
all of them all the time. So, God said, here
Lisa, I’m giving you twice as many parents
to love you... all the time. WOAH!! But, God
knows exactly what I need in my life and
when I start bucking Him, He comes on even
stronger: what a stubborn Fella, huh? What a
stubborn Lisa! In the end, He is always right.