Elohim November 2015 | Page 14

irl…guess what?!?! Just then, I bet your ears perked up, you can’t wait to hear what I’m about to say. I’ve heard those words a thousand times (and probably said them just as many). Those eager words, dripping with the juiciness of some sweet morsel of info that you just have to hear, words that often creep up out of nowhere and bring a dull, dry conversation to life. They turn many eager heads toward them, waiting, anticipating, practically dying to know just what it is. And then it comes, the newest info on who got arrested, who got fired, who saw who’s mate with another person. You take it all in, give your two cents, judge the parties involved, and feel as though you are a special member of an exclusive club, completely oblivious and without care as to the validity and truthfulness of the “news” you’ve just heard, all you know is that you just got the scoop and you’re “in the loop.” When the conversation is over, you hang up the phone, only to dial the number of another friend. As soon as she picks up, “Girrrrrrl…guess what?!?” And it starts all over again. Its gossip. More likely than not, you’ve engaged in it, sometimes against your better judgment and sometimes shamelessly. It’s everywhere around us, at the water cooler in the break room at work, at your luncheon with your best girlfriends and even at the checkout in your grocery store you can’t help but see all the celebrity magazines telling you who is getting divorced, having plastic surgery or making a serious fashion violation. Gossip has become such a part of our daily lives and our culture that many of us may Page 14 The Word of God says something very different about gossip. Proverbs 20:19 tells us that “A gossip betrays a confidence; so avoid a man who talks too much.” Have you ever heard someone say “If ________ will tell you somebody else’s business, then they’ll tell yours too?” it’s true… there is no trust or confidence in a gossip. People who live to run their mouths about things that don’t concern them can’t be your real friend because you can never know what they will say behind your back. And if a person’s primary topic of conversation is other people, it could be an indication that they are trying to hide things about themselves or aren’t completely comfortable in the skin they’re in. People who are truly about noble causes and the business of our Heavenly Father are too busy loving others and doing it up for The Kingdom to be involved in such messy habits. So what should you d