Look for ways today to be a blessing to others.
The smallest thing can make a huge difference
in someone else’s life. Begin with a smile, say
a friendly good morning to a random stranger,
give up your parking space or buy someone
you don’t know a cup of coffee etc. Share the
love and happiness.
When someone does a wrong towards you or
treats you unkindly, try really hard to not take
offence. Be gracious and kind. You do not
know how their day has been or what issues
they face.
James 1:19
“My dear brothers and sisters, take note of
this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to
speak and slow to become angry,”
Concentrate today to speak only good and
positive things. Refuse to take part in any
form of negativity or gossip.
Be a trustworthy woman and friend who
builds up those around her.
Think about different ways of helping someone else. It can be as easy as taking the neighbours wheely bin to the curb, buying a friend
or family member or the lady at the store that
looks as if she is having a hard day a bunch of
Ask your neighbour if she needs milk when
you go to the store. Volunteer to baby sit a
friends kids so that she can have some time
off. All these little things can make a big difference in someone’s day.
Be quick to forgive. Do not walk around with
a grudge or hatred in your heart. The only
person that suffers is you. When you are really
hurt take it to Jesus, leave it at His feet and ask
Him to heal your heart and help you forgive.
You will feel so much better and lighter!
Today is the day when most of us gather together at church to praise, worship and receive a message from our God. Do not let this
be the only day that you sing. Sing praises and
worship songs every day. Bring glory to God