Dear Reader,
Whenever it is Easter time we think about the
amazing gift that Jesus gave us. He died for you
and me, He took our sins on His shoulders, He
paid the ultimate price and then He overcame
death. He rose from the dead victoriously so
that through Him we can have life and forgiveness and a future with Him in heaven.
we can ever really understand. To God you are
good enough, important enough, beautiful
enough, special enough, you do not lack anything for you have everything in Jesus. God’s
judgement and opinion of you is all that matters,
it is all that should matter. He loves you so much,
He was willing to die for you. Believe what God
says about you, it is the truth.
But you know, we don’t often think about the
rejection that He faced. If you think that Jesus
does not or cannot empathise with you, think
again. He faced the ultimate rejection. He was
betrayed, beaten, spat upon and nailed to a
God bless you,
All of us face rejection and judgement, it is what
we do with it that matters. If you take the rejection, judgement, comments etc. that other people fling your way and you think about it all the
time and you meditate on it, and you believe the
negative things people say about you, then you
will end up being bitter, resentful and one very
hurt and angry person. If you try and change
into what people want you to be, you will never
be good enough, you will always be lacking and
you will most assuredly be judged and rejected.
If however you take those hurtful comments,
judgement and rejection and you lay it at the feet
of Jesus, He will heal You, He will protect You
and He will give you His peace that surpasses all
Don’t ever feel that Jesus does not understand,
or that He does not think you are important
enough to care. He loves you and me more than
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