22 Plymouth Parkway Apl 5_Layout 1 04/04/2014 12:33 Page 19
Can you name the players in this Elmore team picture, or the year it was taken...if you can contact
programme editor Colin Gunney.
Elmore AFC – history continued
the club, an Under-18 side was set up
which currently plays in the Somerset
Floodlight Youth League. In 2010 the
youth section was augmented when the
club formed a link with local youth
football club, Moors Youth. Following
this, in 2011, an U16 team, playing under
the Elmore name was formed. And this
season a third team and a ladies team
has also been formed
refurbishment of the clubhouse in 1994
and the provision of new floodlights in
Success on the football field has also
been achieved over the years including:
1960/61 – The Devon Junior Cup, the
Football Express Cup and
Devon and Exeter League One