elleven Magazine Issue 1 | Page 4

Kirsty Fedrick Editor In Chief editors Letter At elleven we want to celebrate everything that is beautiful from the waist down. People are so focused on the face that we forget what’s going on down below. Your legs and your feet are one of the most important parts of your body; they take you wherever you wherever you want to be, whether you’re going to work or island hopping in Thailand. Stand up on your tips toes and take a look at the world, or let them take you on a different path and find something new. The human body is a marvel, the anatomy inside our skins is incredible. There are a total of thirty bones in each of your legs, with an extra twenty-six in each foot. Baby’s feet will consist of mainly cartilage until nine to eighteen months old when bones start forming. A camel has a hidden fifth leg under its chest, which is used as a lever to help when getting up. A Camel’s legs are incredibly strong, allowing it to carry thousands of pounds. Elephants cant jump because their body weight is simply too much. Inside elleven you will find women that we find inspirational, from simply standing up for what they believe in, or to make something so simply innovative it can make a difference to a persons life. We met Sophie De Barata on page 27, who from playing around and making accessories for herself, created the Alternative Limb Project. We don’t want the world to forget that in amongst an era of third wave feminism, women are still so beautifully unique. Equal to men in every way, yet so very different. This isn’t a foot fetish magazine, however if you do have a passion for a bit of toe then you may be in luck. Even if you just want to appreciate some good bums, see the beauty in everything.