ELLE Jun. 2014 | Page 7

Nicki you have been in the industry for nearly 6 years. What's next for you?

"It comes to a point in life where it's time to face reality. I face it everyday, but it needs to be as a whole. I've been at this for years. You know? I feel as if i'm reaching that moment where my dynasty is complete and It's time to move on."

Are you hinting at retirement?

"Unfortunately, yes. It's sad in a sense as I look at what I'm leaving behind. But it's also gracious because of what i am leaving behind, you know? There's alot I've done, and will continue to do. It's almost a fairytale, recollecting my sense of self to understand i made all of this possible."

When will you be retiring?

"I Don't want to jinx a date, and have to recollect myself If i miss that deadline, but surely and with all promise I won't be leaving until my empire is complete and everything i've set out to do is done."

What will happen to Vanity Affair?

" Thats devastating to think about. I've yet to find someone who can fill my shoes and take over. No one gets it done like i do, haha."

If you don't find someone, Then what?

"It will be a ceremonial Process all will come to an end Gracefully."

Have you taken the Artists and those in Vanity Affair into consideration?

"Absolutely, It brings grief and tears in my eyes at the innocence of these Artists who work so hard at what they do. Extremely talented in a sense. Without a doublt I won't bow out on them without making sure

they have all reached their full and upmost potential as an Artist. I'm leaving behind a legacy for them, to have managed them all at once. It takes a great graditude, professionalism, and skill to manage a full on company alone with 10 plus artists, designers, models, not only just that but managing those who are leading a custom path for their career. It's no guideline or moulded form of matter, It's me as a manager having the ability to build an artist up to becoming a Superstar."

What will you regret when or if you retire?

"Nothing. I've pushed, I've done. I've seen all there is to see in this industry. There is nothing to regret, But emotionally there is a lot that i will miss."

What or who will you miss?

"The ambition to be great, and the hustle for success with my sister Sekio Dior."

Your life is but a Dream. What can you leave us all? Any final words?

"You would agree i lived it well, huh? haha. I just want to say that I appreciate, Am humbly Thankful, and in love with absolutely every single one of my supporters as a whole. Without them I wouldn't be where I am today. There are those who have been at my side from the very begining, Watching me grow, Watching the success I've encountered, and witnessing the greatness of it all. Looking back and on this day, the years I have been in this industry has been triumphant. Without god nothing is impossible is possible, and without Dreams there is nothing to accomplish. Yours truly, God bless."


"A mind blowing. To be recognized by someone as legendary as Darren Jacobs is a lost for words. H-Star is extremely Historic, When you think Of the industry, You instantly think of H-Star, It's one of the leading agencys in the industry and i'm grateful for it."

Well, we heard lately that you have a new fashion line coming out? Tell us a little about it.

"Yes, i'm partnering up with Didcot's new business, he is opening a clothing stor in Palm Springs called 'Urban Gear', and i'll be debuting my first line called 'Preview', it's edgy and trendy. A big step from my usual professional looks. I think the younger audience will have fun with this collection, Just with the sneak peek releases, a lot of my supporters have been buzzing about it."

Well, that's lovely! What about the new Spring Bling event coming out?

"Yes, there is some major news that will be coming up regarding HS and Vanity Affiar, i'm working on a event to kick off Summer. The Venus is so killer, got great feedback from Legends of the industry on the set up. So i just can't wait to kick it off, and get back into the grove of doing events weekly."

Exciting much! Also what about the new TV show?

"Me and Sekio Dior will be doing a spin off her recent 3 part series of "My Time Now" The show will be called "The Empire Girls" All voice over show, very personal, and business related, You're going to get to know me and Sekio much more, and know the In's and Out's of what it is like being someone in Vanity Affair, it's our Life, and it's major."

Lovely! Any plans in the future we could know about?

"Just expect a killer weekdays of new projects, events, etc. It's going to be freaking insane. I don't think anyone's prepared for what we have in store. You'll have to have to wait and see. *Smirks*"