Who I am
It’s amazing to look back on one’s life, or the lives of others, and see the events that shaped them. We are a summation of our genes, our experiences and our lives. I was born on August 2nd, 1996 at the early time of 12:45 a.m., much to my mother’s chagrin. I’ve spent my entire life in Spring, Texas in the very same house. I’ve grown very fond of my home and of my neighborhood, each and every street or corner holding some form of memory. I started off at Lemm Elementary at the age of five, and then went off to Schindewolf Middle School. Before I knew it, I had reached Klein Collins High School. During these past years I’ve made many friends as well as lost them. I’ve rekindled old friendships but have also said a few goodbyes.
Nearing the end of my senior year, I grow a bit anxious. I’m undoubtedly excited to graduate and move on to college at Trinity University, but I’m also saddened. I have many ties here at Klein Collins; I’ve been a member of the Drama Club for four years and I’m now the President, so I have many experiences and friends I do not wish to part with. I’ll of course visit to see their next shows, but it won’t be the same as being a part of it.
But the future looks bright. I’m set to major in Biology at Trinity, and I hope to specialize in neurology. I think I’d like to pursue research rather than medical school, but who knows, that might change. I’d like to at least obtain my Bachelor’s, if not my Masters in Biology before continuing research. After becoming established in my field, whatever it may be, I’ve considered branching out to teaching at the High School or College level. But honestly, I’m interested in a great variety of things, so I’m keeping my options opened. No one knows for sure where they will be in the years to come, so we must be prepared. I’m set for the new memories and friendships I will make in college, but I’ll make sure to hold on to the old.