Elizabeth's Senior Scrapbook May 2014 | Page 19

All in all, this year was a blessing. So many amazing and unforgettable things occurred, both joyful and stressful. I was nominated for Homecoming Queen, something I will forever be grateful for, endured through three AP classes, headed the Drama Club and served my youth group. This past month I attended the Neches River Festival and was crowned Grand Duchess. And though some moments were unbearable, I had compassionate friends to help me through them. But amidst the flurry of events I participated in, college due dates and applications loomed over my shoulder, breathing down my neck.

I was different from others; I had no idea where I was going to college. Sure I bled maroon, but I didn’t want to attend a large university like A&M. So I did the ‘logical’ thing: I applied for nine different colleges. Even though I began my application processes early on during the summer, I can vividly recall panic attacks as I tried to submit things by the due dates. My family and I ended up visiting eleven colleges together, and yet I wasn’t completely sold on any of them. I knew I wanted to major in biology, but I just didn’t know where! I recalled having a fantastic time at Trinity University, but I wondered if my impression was swayed by it being my first college visit. I received my fair share of acceptances and scholarships along with two rejections, but my decision still wasn’t made. As the decision deadline crawled closer, I grew terrified.

My life was amazing the way it was. I wasn’t ready to move on to the next chapter! I wasn’t ready to leave behind so many amazing friends and memories, to leave behind home cooked meals and family movie nights. Eventually though, I overcame my fear and chose the college that won my heart all those months ago, Trinity University. Even now, as I grow more excited for the start of the fall term, I’m not one hundred percent ready to leave, but I don’t think anyone ever is. All we need is a grasp of courage to take that leap, and then we’re golden.