ELIXIR'17 Vol. 1 | Page 3


From the Editor-in-Chief

So it has been a year since I started as an editor for Alchemy and over time , we made sure that if not anything else , chemistry should be the one thing on people ’ s mind . We had newsletters and articles but there is something so fulfilling about reading a curated piece of information that it can ’ t be expressed in words but only experienced . As one of my favorite TV characters would put it , Chemistry is a study of matter , but I ’ d rather look it as a study of change , and over the past few months we have seen great changes take place around the world , be it politics or world policy . But one thing remained consistent nonetheless , and that was Science . Ever so fascinating as it was a few centuries ago to people trying to work out whether earth was flat or round , or to the coming generations of scientists trying to unravel the mysteries hidden in the core of atoms . This would be my last issue as an Editor for Elixir and hence as would any good person would do , our Alchemy Team put their hearts into making this issue , we have tried to cover a few topics which we felt were important developments over the past few months and want to show you how fast things change . A glimpse into the vast world that is changing faster than we can grasp with developments in field of micro and macro alike . We hope that you would like this issue , criticisms and suggestions are always welcome .

Aniruddha Singhal Editor-in-Chief
